We use this 3-day VaudRisk Remedial Management Training Workshop to highlight the depth and challenge of credit impairments and the urgency of organizing and executing a focused management response. The Workshop includes: portfolio studies and coding of impaired individual credits using the VaudRisk Remedial Credit Coding System [VRRCS]; the VaudRisk Credit Cycle; Credit Classification as a problem recognition and remedial management tool; and Case Studies as a form of post mortem for lessons learned. We will also teach participants how to manage or contribute to remedial units in planning & executing strategies and action steps
Remedial Management Workshop
- To teach participants the importance of acknowledging impaired credits and the eventual positive financial impact that can result from organized, dedicated management of such credits
Individual and group exercises to be advised 2 to 4 weeks prior. Group exercises are designed for 3 or more participants from the same business or country unit